Pastel Artists of the Central Coast
Linda Garen Smith


About the Artist
Linda Garen Smith's serious involvement with art began in seventh grade with a window painting contest for Halloween on Main Street in her hometown of El Segundo. Linda and her BFF Kathy painted the three crones from MacBeth stirring a bubbling cauldron on the window of the BFFs’ favorite dress shop and won first prize. The shop loved the work and asked the duo to decorate the window for the Holidays – their first paying gig as artists at the age of twelve.
Linda spent her professional career in public relations and fundraising for nonprofit organizations. Her weekends were devoted to theatre both on and off stage. She received excellent reviews for her award-winning scenic and costume designs for theatre productions in Southern California at Cypress College, Long Beach Playhouse, Newport Theatre Arts Center, Huntington Beach Playhouse and Cerritos College Children's Theatre, among others. Linda is now retired and finally able to spend her time as a full-time artist.
Linda works in pastels, oils, watercolors and pen and ink, and is available for special request commissions. She is a member of the California Art Club, the Paso Robles Art Association and regularly displays her art in the PRAA Gallery located at Studios on the Park.
Contact Information
Linda Garen Smith